80's Fancy Dress
80’s fancy dress, a decade of slick cool hair styles and colourful fashion, we had it all, Icons such as Madonna, Adam Ant, Prince, Cyndi Lauper, Boy George and Wham are just a few
of the vast array of artists, with New Romantics, Heavy Metal, and Mods being some of the more popular genres.
The 80’s was an era where there was no set fashion trend to be followed, but today in fancy dress, it’s one of the most popular party time dress up themes of all time.
From punk rockers with body piercing,chains, leather jackets not forgetting the super spiked gelled hair, to Girls in neon tutu’s, fingerless gloves and bright coloured hair,
that brought out the wild child within.
We carry a comprehensive range of fancy dress costumes. Whether you require a full costume or just accessories such as neon tutus, rara skirts, wigs or hats, glasses or gloves,
leggings or legwarmers and costume jewelry to complete your look, we have it all. So dress to impress and get your party started !